My Son

My Son
Orion the Funniest Baby Ever

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

New Beginning!

It's March
About Orion
Life definitely isn't easy but it is so worth it. I wake up every morning at 7 am, look at my husband, smile and then get the babys bottle ready and feed him. As I'm feeding that little innocent child, I look into his sleepy beautiful eyes and I ask myself, 'why did the lord send me this amazing child?' I'm the opposite of perfect and he's to young to tell me I'm doing a good job or a bad job. This baby is perfect and wonderful and makes me happy everyday even though he makes me sooo tired and soo frustrated some times. I couldn't imagine my life without him.

I couldn't imagine my life without HIM. My husband is....... he is my every breath. He makes me want to wake up every morning, he makes my life all worth living. Every blemish in his hand and wrinkle on his face makes me fall more and more in love with him. We still finish eachothers sentences. We finish eachothers sentences most of the time with movie lines. The greatest thing in the whole world is that in my marriage so far, I can honestly say Richard and I have never gotten in a fight. Now I'm not saying we don't disagree and that we are perfect. I saying we have worked very hard on our relationship together and have worked very hard on our temperments and we have taken the time needed to work things out. There are lots of couples the same age as Richard and I that are getting divorced. Their reasons are purely because each person was looking out for numero uno, themselves! I think of my savior when I think of selfishness. Did he ever say well I healed that person from having lepracy and I brought them back to life, what are you gunna do for me now. All he asks is for us to love him. I will serve and love my husband all the days of my life and because I know how much he loves and understands the savior, I know he will do the same.

Thats all I have for now. Until I feel inspired to write again. Bye everyone

Friday, November 6, 2009

10 weeks pregnant and going strong!

ok this is me starting off with my blogs... I hate my job but love my life. Richard is getting a promotion at work and I won't have to work when the baby is born. I love going to church and being mormon... I'll write some other time later..Dinner with the sister-in-law...

14 weeks not much different but finding out what sex my baby is in a few weeks so I'm pretty excited. (joy) :)